ISmartDot Interface

The ISmartDot interface will allow a layer of abstraction between the Application and the SmartDot or SmartDotSimulator.

The sole function of this interface is to allow reading and writing from pages of memory stored on the SmartDot, and make / maintain connections to the SmartDot hardware.

ISmartDot interface

 * Interface representing the basic functionality of the Bluetooth connection between the mobile 
 * application and a SmartDot implementation (Simulator & Hardware)
public interface ISmartDot {
     * Summary: Attempts to create a connection to the SmartDot hardware
     * Params:  connectionParameters
     * Returns: Version representing the SmartDot hardware version (APIs use), null 
     *          if unable to connect
    public Task<Version?> Connect(ConnectionParameters connectionParameters);
     * Summary: Tests if the connection to the SmartDot hardware is present
     * Params:  connectionParameters
     * Returns: Boolean representing if there is a connection to SmartDot hardware
    public Task<bool> IsConnected();

     * Summary: Asynchronous method to write one page to the SmartDot implementation
     * Params:  address -> The page start addess in memory
     *          buffer  -> Data (byte[]) to write to the SmartDot implementations page
     *          bytes   -> Length of data to write from
     * Returns: A bool representing if call was successful
    public Task<SmartDotTransactionResult> WriteBytes(long address, byte[] buffer, long bytes);

     * Summary: Asynchronous method to read one page from the SmartDot implementation
     * Params:  address -> The page start addess in memory
     *          buffer  -> Ref data (byte[]) read from the SmartDot implementations page (will attempt
                           to fill completely)
     *          bytes   -> Length of data to read into
     * Returns: A bool representing if call was successful
    public Task<SmartDotTransactionResult> ReadBytes(long address, ref byte[] buffer, long bytes);

     * Summary: Sends a command to the SmartDot hardware
     * Params:  command -> The string command to send to the SmartDot hardware
     * Returns: Result from the command execution on the SmartDot hardware
    public Task<string> OutgoingSmartDotCommand(string command);

     * Summary: Invokes IncomingSmartDotCommandCallback method. Should be executed only from the 
     *          implementor.
     * Params:  command -> String command called from SmartDot hardware
     * Returns: n/a
    protected virtual void RaiseIncomingSmartDotCommand(string command) => IncomingSmartDotCommandCallback?.Invoke(command);

     * Summary: Incoming command callback (from SmartDot hardware). Signals from the SmartDot hardware 
     *          that something important happened.
     * Params:  none
     * Returns: n/a
    public Action<string>? IncomingSmartDotCommandCallback { get; set; }

SmartDotTransactionResult enumeration

 * Enum representing the transaction result state of a communication with SmartDot hardware
public enum SmartDotTransactionResult : byte {
     * SmartDot transaction succeeded

     * SmartDot transaction failed - unknown cause

     * SmartDot transaction failed - data corruption

     * SmartDot transaction failed - device disconnected

     * SmartDot transaction failed - data corruption

ConnectionParameters class

 * Parameters necessary to successfully connect to the correct SmartDot hardware
public class ConnectionParameters {

The SmartDotAPI will be responsible for interpreting data sent and received from an ISmartDot interface implementor by accessing the version # on the first memory page.