General Project Requirements

Ball Spinner mechanism will control the ball in 3 orthogonal directions

Ball Spinner will interface with 9DoF module (either SmartDot or MbientLabs) to read output from Gyroscope, Magnetometer, Accelerometer, and Light sensor.

Application can read and send data to the Ball Spinner to control motors and the movement of ball

Data created from the Ball Sinner and SmartDot sensors will be stored in a secure database

Data from previous sessions will be accessible to the user based on account credentials

User can only input valid parameters that control the Ball Spinner

User can save data from session to a .rev file

User can load saved data from previous session

Application will display the graphical orientation of the ball while Ball Sinner is in motion

Graphs will be drawn to display expected data and real-time output data from SmartDot

The ball located within the Ball Spinner will move based on physics calculations from the user input parameters.

User will be able to access simulation once Ball Spinner has finished movement.

Graphical simulation will take data from Ball Spinner and SmartDot modules and display virtual expectations of the ball moving down an actual lane.

Automated testing of system

User can focus on specific graph/result