General Project Requirements

User makes an account for the application


User has opened the Application
User has opened the login popup

MSS - Main Success Scenario:

User populates the username, password, and re-enter password fields
User selects the final register button
Application checks if all required fields are filled and meets other requirements
Login popup will display a message that the user has successfully registered


  3a. Username already exists in the application 

    Application displays error message that states “Username already exists”
    User can modify username (return to MSS #1)
 3b. Password is not strong enough

    Application displays error message stating “Password must contain 1 capital, 1 lowercase, and 1 special character"
    User can modify password (return to MSS #1)”
 3c. Username is not long enough
    Application displays error message stating “Username must be 8 characters long”
    User can modify password (return to MSS #1)”
 3d. Password is not long enough

    Application displays error message stating “Password must be 8 characters long”
    User can modify password (return to MSS #1)”

User logs in to application


User has opened the Application
User has opened the login popup
User is not already logged in

MSS - Main Success Scenario:

User enters login details
User clicks “Login” Button
The application checks the provided username and password against the database.
Application authenticates the user and closes the login popup
The logout button in the dropdown menu is replaced with logout


  5a. Incorrect login information

    Application displays an error message stating that the username or password is incorrect
    User can reinput log in details (return to MSS #3)
  5b. Forgot Password:

    User button labeled “Forgot Password” 
    Application prompts the user to enter their email and additional fields
    User resets the password and returns to the login screen (return to MSS #3)

User Views Previous Throws From Database


The user is logged in
User has navigated to the “Load Throws” page.

MSS - Main Success Scenario:

A connection is made with the database to retrieve a list of all the user’s stored throws
Application displays a table of all of their previous spins, showing the date, time, and name of each throw for each session data.
User selects a simulated session from the list.
A request is made to the local server to retrieve the data stored for the selected session.
User selects Load Data button
User is shown a reconstruction from the simulation using the data stored in the database along with the actual and expected output from that session.


  1a. Error occurs with database
    A message is displayed stating “An error has occurred”
    The user is redirected to the “Main Output” page
  5a User selects “Load Parameters”
    User is redirected to “Throw Page” with parameters from loaded session already input

User Views Previous Throws From Local File


User has navigated to the “Main Output” page. 

MSS - Main Success Scenario:

User selects “Load From File” Button
System opens File Directory that filters for only files with “.rev” extension
User Selects file
Application parses file into respective Graph Data
Graph Data is Displayed in Graph Locations of Main Output Page


3a User Selects file without “.rev” extension

    Error Popup Appears saying “Unable to Read File”
    User Selects “Close”
    Popup Closes and sends user to “Main Output Page” 

User Uploads a Throw From Local File to Database


User is logged in
User has navigated to the “Cloud Management” page. 
A connection has been successfully established with the database

MSS - Main Success Scenario:

User selects “Upload” Button
System opens File Directory that filters for only files with “.rev” extension 
User Selects file
Application pushes file to database
Messages conveys that upload was successful


3a. The user closes the File Directory
    The application returns to the “Cloud Management”

User Deletes Previous Simulated Throws


The user is logged in
User has navigated to the “Previous Throws” page.
User has successfully connected to the databases
User has previous session data stored 

MSS - Main Success Scenario:

User selects the trash can next to the previous session data that the user wants to delete
A popup is displayed asking the user to confirm that they want to delete specified data
User selects “Delete Data” button in popup window
Application determines which database the deleted session data is stored in and requests for data to be deleted
User is display a table of all of their previous sessions still stored in the Databases


3a User Selects “Cancel” button in popup Window
    Popup window is closed 
    User can select other previous session data they would like to delete (return to MSS #1)
4a Error Deleting Data
    Popup window appears display that an error had occurred when deleting from database and to try again later
    User selects “OK” on Popup
    Popup window is closed 
    User is display a table of all of their previous sessions stored inDatabases (return to MSS #1)

User Connects to the BallSpinner

Precondition: User has navigated to the “Input” page. MSS - Main Success Scenario: User selects the “Connect to Ball Spinner” button Popup is displayed with a drop-down menu of all active USB ports User selects the USB port that the Ball Spinner is connected to User clicks “Connect” button System establishes a connection to the BallSpinner Popup is closed with “Connect to Ball Spinner” button changed to “Ball Spinner Connected” label Extensions: 5a. Connection Failure Application displays an error message specifying that the connection was unsuccessful User can re-select USB port and retry connection (return to MSS #2)

User Connects To The Ball Spinner

MSS - Main Success Scenario: User Selects the “Connect To Communications Device” button Popup is displayed with a drop-down menu of all active USB ports User Selects the USB port with a communication device Application attempts to establish communication with the communication device Communication device confirms connection to the Application Popup displays the device has been connected User closes the menu Extensions 3a. No communication devices available to connect Message notes no available devices 4/5a. Communication between the application and device are unsuccessful Message notes connection failure (return to MSS #3)

User Inputs Parameters to Control Ball Movement

Precondition: BallSpinner is connected to the device SmartDot module is connected to the device User has navigated to the Inputs page

MSS - Main Success Scenario: Application prompts user to enter different parameters to control the BallSpinner User inputs values for the parameters User clicks on the “Run” button Application validates the values inputted Application sends the input parameters to the controller to calculate the ball’s movement Controller interfaces with the hardware’s motors to correctly move the ball based on the calculations The ball moves based on the input parameters The SmartDot sensors send real-time data to Simulation, which interprets the data from each sensor to create an actual 3D projection for the ball and show a data plot for each sensor. Will see the Displays trajectory and speed of the ball. When putting in the data you will be able to control the location and curvature of the ball. The application updates the 3D Viewport to reflect the ball’s new position and rotation

Extensions: 1a: Users has selected a cloud initial value load Application parses file into respective input fields (continue to MSS #3) 2a: Users selects local initial value load System opens File Directory that filters for only files with “.rev” extension User Selects file Application parses file into respective input fields (continue to MSS #3) 4a: Input parameters are invalid The application alerts the user that the input parameters are invalid User can reenter the input parameters (return to MSS #2) 6a: Connection error with the ball spinner: The application alerts the user that the connection was lost and includes different ways to help with the connection Was the BallSpinner connected? Is the ball spinner on?

User can reenter values once (return to MSS #1)

User Views Live 3D simulation and Graphical Analytics of Ball’s Expected and Actual Movement

Precondition: User has successfully input all necessary parameters and passed them to the ball spinner. User has established a successful connection with the Ball Spinner and Raspberry Pi. MSS - Main Success Scenario The Ball Spinner controller sends sensor data to the simulation component running on the application before it begins to spin the ball. The simulation uses this data to show the expected 3D projection of the ball and interpret the orientation, location, and speed of the ball as it goes down lane. The Ball Spinner controller sends the SmartDot’s real time data to the Simulation, which interprets the data from each sensor to create an actual 3D projection for the ball and show a data plot for each sensor. Simulation and graphs are displayed to user in real time Extensions: 1a. An error occurs while connected to Ball Spinner An Error Popup will relaying to User that an error had occur

User Saves the Result of the Ball Spinner’s Movement

Precondition The user has already run a simulation User is on the output page MSS - Main Success Scenario User Clicks the “Save” button on the results page System opens File Directory to save a file with a “.rev” extension The user names and saves the file Extensions: 3a. The User closes the File Directory The application returns to the output page

User Terminates the Simulation

Precondition: The user has successfully begun a simulated run with the ball spinner, and the ball spinner is actively in motion and data is being sent back to the device. User is currently viewing the live simulation page. MSS - Main Success Scenario: User selects the “End Simulation” button at the bottom of the simulation page. The application sends a signal to the ball spinner controller and the SmartDot device to let them know the simulation has been canceled. The ball spinner controller ceases its communication with the motors. The application deletes all cached data from the canceled simulated run.

User Views documentation/help

Precondition: The user has opened the application MSS - Main Success Scenario User selects the Help button The system opens the Rev-Metrix Wiki in the default browser

User logs out

Precondition: The user is logged in MSS - Main Success Scenario User opens account drop-down and selects log out User is logged out Application prompts user to the login screen